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November 2023

Whitestone Insight surveyed 2025 GB adults and 551 cohabitees online between 13th and 14th November 2023. Download the full results here.

Survey Highlights

Resolution Family Law commissioned polling to gauge the general public’s awareness of cohabitees’ rights, followed by polling specifically for cohabitees

  • 74% of cohabitees agree that 'the current laws surrounding cohabitation are unfit for today’s modern society.'

  • Only 35% of the population are aware that cohabitees have little or no legal rights, compared to married couples.

  • Interestingly, women are more likely than men to be aware of the paucity of those rights.

  • Also of interest is that more than half (53%) of cohabitees are aware that they have little or no legal rights, compared to married couples.

  • Only 31% of the population wish to maintain the current legal framework for cohabitees (importantly - 37% of men and 25% of women), and 59% agree there should be some legal protections ‘but not as much as married couples’.

  • The public as a whole are divided over whether to give cohabiting couples the same rights as married couples: 45% (including 49% of women) agree this should happen and 40% do not.

  • More than eight in ten (83%) expect the number of cohabitees to increase over the next decade.

Read the full results here