

June 2024

Whitestone Insight interviewed 2,000 UK adults online between 12th-13th June 2024 on readership of party manifestoes. Download the full results here.

Data were weighted to be representative of all UK adults. Whitestone Insight is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

Survey Highlights

An overwhelming majority of the public (87%) have never read either a political manifesto or Liz Truss’s latest book ‘Ten Years to Save the West’

  • Only one in ten (11%) of the population have ever read a political manifesto

  • There is a clear gender divide between those who choose to read manifestos and those who do not, with 14% of men having read one and only nine percent of women having done so, a difference of five points

  • Only one percent of the public have read Liz Truss’s book ‘Ten Years to Save the West’. It is worth noting that trnslates to 17 people in a sample of 2,000

  • Men are twice as likely to have read Liz Truss’s latest book than women, with 12 of the 17 being men, and the remaining five being women

  • Green Party voters are by far the most likely to have read a political manifesto, with one in four (26%) having done so

  • Labour voters are more likely to have read a manifesto than Conservative voters, with 14% of Labour voters having read one compared to only five percent of Conservatives

  • Younger voters are more politically versed than their older counterparts, with 12% of 18–24-year-olds having read a manifesto, compared to five percent of those over 65

Read the full results here